How Can Citrix Improve Hot Desking

Hot desking is the new trend among many small to medium sized business across the world. With a rise in the “open concept” office, hot desking is the next logical progression.

The term “hot desking” means that no one individual claims a certain desk; instead, desks are shared among workers. There are likely still a few dedicated desks in offices that use hot desking, but the majority of desks are first come, first served and shared by co-workers.

This type of office environment allows an employee to come into work and select a desk to work from that day. It can be the same desk as usual or he/she can decide to work at a different desk. This is thought to improve teamwork, creativity and productivity. This allows people to work closely with someone they may need direct communication with one day, and then move to a quiet corner desk the next day.

Hot desking means the desk can’t have a personal computer tied to it, since different employees may be using the desk on different days.

So how does Citrix help?

Citrix remote desktop software allows users to have access to their desktop, including their apps, on any device, anywhere. This means you could have a computer at each desk and whoever works at that desk on that day will be able to login to their desktop, eliminating the need to carry around a laptop, or worry about not having access to all their apps and documents.

This is also helpful if you follow the BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) trend. “Bring your own device” allows your team to work on their device in a secure environment. This helps your company and team in two ways: you lower your overheard by not having to buy capital equipment, and you increase productivity in your team members by allowing them to use a device they are comfortable with.

Hot desking is becoming more and more popular. Learning how to take advantage of this system and how to use the correct software will help make a transition easy and secure.

Interested in learning how Citrix can take your company to the next level? Reach out to Wincourse, your local Citrix Gold Partner.
